Friday, February 18, 2011


Hm... composing. It's a weird topic that always blows my mind. How many people do you know that compose music? I don't know that many.. maybe a couple of people who will every so often but not a lot. I myself compose a lot.. I've composed at least 10 pieces.. You might be thinking, "why is she rambling about this?" or "Where is she going with this?" Well if I knew I wouldn't be rambling..

I think where I am trying to go with this is that I personally think composing is hard... and it always amazes me when I go on youtube and find awesome musicians who have put their originals on the internet. Some have only a couple but some have a TON and they keep putting new ones up.

Composing is kind of like DNA if you think about it.. Everyone's DNA is different, right? Not one is the same. Each piece is never exactly the same as any other..(well unless you try to copy but that isn't as fun.) So you have millions of original songs, pieces, or whatever you want to call them and everyone has their own way of expressing themselves in different types of pieces or "strands of DNA".

If you want to compare composing to other things.. it can also be like a painting! When you listen to music it sometimes puts pictures of things in your head.. or it can be more abstract and just put colors or shapes or even make you feel the emotion it is trying to show. Paintings are the same way.. although the way they are most alike is by the placing of the notes and colors. Each note is placed in a way that makes the music what it is and each brush stroke or splatter make up the painting. If a chunk of the notes were placed in a different order than it would sound different, right? And if some of the methods of painting were different or different colors were used it would change the way the painting over all looked, right?

Right.. so composing is like many things. Writing, painting,cooking, programing, and basically any other thing that involves taking little things and making the little things all together something bigger or complex..

Basically I'm just rambling about composing being like other things.. and I'm pretty sure this is true. It seems hard but I guess it isn't that hard. I mean the proses of composing can be a bit confusing if you can't figure out where to go with the next part or something.. but the over all product can be really neat.

I think all of this made sense... it did to me. I could just be insane though.. :)

-The Clartist